Remember this Palty mist bleach I mentioned in the previous post? I tried that for several days and its a failure.... Makes my hair dry (I dont really mind it dou) And the color is not obvious at all. The instructions mentioned that you need to use it continuously for 3 days or more to see the color. But...not much difference too~ And its quite difficult to aim at the roots so I ended up spraying it anyhow~
Hmm, dont really like it and I dont feel like using it anymore. Anyway, I just colored my hair on Monday and I really love it now! My hair is more layered and its back to light color again. Shall post some pics really soon!
Had been attending some auditing courses these few days and I had to wake up super early. So tired to even put on a full make up. So I havent been taking pictures of myself..haha.The course makes me damn stress and tomorrow there's a bloody presentation! I'm going to be the lead auditor and present the audit rubbish to the management. Sounds scary...SIGH!! Not in a mood to shop and fool around.
By the way, I visited one of my favourite shop "Superwomen" in City Square Mall recently and I really think that this shop really sells alot of rubbish. But its super tempting and I just feel like buying more useless things! They have some very nice lashes from Japan, head massager, and recently alot of new wigs and hair extensions. Damn nice! But I think its a little overpriced. So, I'll still stick to that shop in Far East. Got myself a black wig! Super nice!! Shall try it and post some pics too. Wahaha.
Okies, I shall rest early. Tomorrow is going to be a looooong day again! DREAD.........

that last photo, in particular is very soft and cute. :-) I am very surprised there are not many comments on your posts, since they are very nice. I'm guessing that it is just because your blog is new and not many people know about it yet. But please don't give up, OK?! I'm sure that there are many people reading your blog who haven't posted comments yet. There are many people like that reading my blog I found out. Gambatte ne. :-)
Yup! Thanks!! I have a private blog where all my friends read. I guess the private one is a space for me to throw my emotions. But for this one is more of a casual blog just to update and write about my love for the land of the rising sun. ^__^ I do hope some people find it nice and useful~! ^^
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